This is the story of a man with an iron will and a proper warrior mindset.
John D. Prasec or "The voice of rock", as he’s called by his fans , may have released only one album but the story behind it is just breathtaking. After a good career in Italy, his former country, John decided to move to London in late 2012 to keep on following his vision of a music career.

So far he achieved countless bands and solo artists collaborations including some of the biggest names in business such as Kee Marcello (ex. Europe's guitarist).

Since the beginning of his musical career, his voice and unbeatable stage personality have been catching attention wherever he performed." I love what I do and I strongly believe in it. People can feel it, I guess, and it brought me this far " says John, who also had a TV career in his hometown of Trieste performing as the lead vocalist of the TV show comic band "Palacinkas" for a couple of years. "I just felt there was something more out there for me and it came as a surprise to quite a lot of people when I decided to move to London to pursue my goals" - and it's been hard.

The Italian label John signed a contract for 5 years went suddenly out of business letting him down with an unfinished record right after he had just moved to London where he had nobody to rely on yet.

But here comes the man of steel, and here he comes again "the fans kept asking me news about that record for a couple of years and I obviously could not let them down, I had to do whatever it was necessary to put this thing together, no matter what!"

The former rock singer had no choice. He had to find a job to survive, and pushing himself to the limit, found himself working in a fast food restaurant in a position that only a few people would barely consider a job instead of a modern form of slavery. At that point he made an oath to his fans.

Two years, 13 musicians and 3 countries later, John finally releases his debut record "John D. Prasec" The record includes five songs and it has that well-known John's trade mark hard rock balls to the wall sound thanks to the Expertise coproduction of Alessio Garavello (“Artemhis” , “Powerquest” and “A New Tomorrow”)

"You’d better do it right or you won't do it at all "John says. Keeping developing his work in studio John is currently recording some new material as vocalist of the legendary English heavy metal band “Ritual”.

Who says that hard work and dedication don't pay off any results? It seems that we all have to learn from the lesson told by John's extraordinary example. We all could achieve results we wouldn’t distantly expect .

John's music can also be found on iTunes,Amazon, Google play and in streaming on Spotify.

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