  • Havent wrote on here since god knows when. Happy belated birthday. This past month i celebrated my birthday once again without you. We always had our birthday parties together the whole 4 years we knew eachother. You allready know i drank one for ya. Wish u coulda been here for my 21st. I think about you every single day hunter. You were ALWAYS the person i called or ran too when i needed to vent or cry or just talk u always listened and understood me and thats what made us so close & became the best of friends. And i have YET to find another guy friend like you. Not even close. I thank god for putting u into my life. I learned alot from u. And some of the best memories ive had was with you and the crew. U allready know who all the crew was. Turn up :) im just glad u lived your life having fun, living young, wild, and free. I have so much to say because i dont think ive even wrote u but one time. I see u in my dreams every so often. Thank you, i see pictures of your beautiful daughter every now and then, spitting image of her daddy thats for sure. Not ONE day goes by where something doesnt remind me of you songs we always jammed too, food you and your cookies and cream hershey bars, places i see... or i get to remeniscing every now and then and start thinking about all the good times we've had.. thank u for always being there for me when i needed you and giving me the best advice. I dont think i ever told u thank u. Cant wait to see those blue eyes and that beautiful smile again. Foreveryoung. Gone. But NEVER forgotten. Muah, HMC<3

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